About Us

Manage your bookmarks and find new places to explore
FREE bookmark management tool
Easily add, delete and rearrange your Internet bookmarks into categories & profiles like work, personal, or hobbies.
Access your bookmarks from any device and any browser
Import & Export Bookmarks
Create profiles, categories, and build your bookmark libraries from scratch
Export bookmarks from your web browser and import them into Global Net Guide
We don't hold your bookmarks hostage, if you decide you want to leave, you can export them to an html file that is importable by most web browsers
Coming soon we will have recommended categories with bookmarks you can import into your profiles
These recommended categories and bookmarks will be crowdsourced, maybe by you!
Customizable look and feel
  • Change font size
  • Change header and text color
  • Move categories locations around easily
  • Easily re-sort bookmark and change locations including to other categories
  • Quickly move categories to other profiles
  • Easy access to your favorite search engine
Privacy Policy
This is not a business
I will never sell or share your information.
This is a hobby website created for fun by Will Childers
I use it for my bookmarks and I hope you find it useful too.
Please give me feedback and feature requests by filling out the contact us form